1 follower
I am a frontend web developer. I love creating beautiful user interfaces.
I have been fascinated by the limitless potential of front-end development ever since I wrote my first line of HTML. My enthusiasm for this field is...
A company can’t exist without its users. All tech companies and non-tech ones have users they cater to. If the users like a company’s product, they...
When you visit a standard website, one of the first things you see is a navigation section. You can navigate to any of the website's pages from the...
Javascript variables are names given to data storage locations in Javascript. Before 2015, variables have always been declared with the var keyword,...
What is an Array? An object data type allows you to store collections of data, but, you can only store them in a key-value pair. Due to this, it is...
Introduction Let's say you got a temporary job as a secretary while learning to be a software developer. Your daily job includes getting the...